Fairfield County Paddle is Going Strong!

Platform Tennis is BIG in Fairfield County Connecticut. How Big? Well there are over 1,200 players organized onto 84 teams in seven separate divisions and with all of that, there is still a waiting list of teams to get into the league. The Fairfield County Platform Tennis League is comprised of 26 clubs each of which has anywhere from one team to eight teams playing.

The league uses the seven divisions to provide the right level of competition for everyone. Division #1 is the most competitive and many of the players are nationally
ranked. Division #7 is for players that have a year or two of experience and that are aspirational; that is aspiring to move into division #6. The divisions between are played at increasing levels of skill. The season consists of 11 matches and at the end the top two teams move up into the next higher division and the bottom two divisions are moved down to the next lower division. This method is effective in keeping the competitive on target and fresh.

The season is topped off by the single biggest one day tournament in the nation that is held in early February. Two hundred and twenty four players face off for bragging rights within their divisions. The finals are held in a keg party atmosphere that is attended by players, family and friends. The last several years the tournament has been highlighted by local TV news channel stories. Folks watching in their warm homes are amazed at the paddle nuts out in February snow with their shorts, tee shirts and beverage cups.

This season was kicked off on Saturday morning, October 15th with the annual Captains Breakfast. A full breakfast keeps all of the team captains busy while the FCPTL Board members review the guidelines and specifics for the upcoming season. The energy is carried out of the meeting onto the courts as the captains are off getting their teams into practice sessions and pumping them up for revenge against the clubs that whipped ‘em last season. Game on!

By Ron Gayda



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